i don’t have time to track it down now, but i was once doing some research on supreme court cases relevant to social security, and i did discover that the court ruled that the highway trust fund – funded, just like social security with a dedicated tax – is not fungible, that the dollars in the trust fund must be used for the purposes congress defined in establishing the trust fund.
so i can’t see how that same logic doesn’t apply to social security, which is to say that in addition to the two key points that our host already made here, there is a third: there is supreme court precedent that trust funds are, in fact, trust funds and not merely another name for an otherwise fungible piece of federal revenues.
I think you know the answer to this as well as I do, Mr
Krugman, and are merely posing a rhetorical question to us. The reason that Social Security has been made into such a boogeyman is that paying back those bonds, once such monies are needed, would require one of two things: A cut in expenditures by the rest of the federal government on their favorite pork-barrel policies or an increase in the federal tax rate. As the former is unthinkable, and the latter would most likely mean an actual long-overdue tax on the wealthiest of this country, it is politically easier to vilify Social Security as being “evil socialism” than it is to confront the real socioeconomic issues confronting our country. Continue reading So why are we talking about a Social Security crisis?